Last Name | First Name | Position Title | Office Location | Email Address | Office Phone |
Nance | Carrie | Social Science Instructor | HOS616S | nancec@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9798 |
Napieralski | Heather | Shift Supervisor (lieutenant Non Sworn) | GCB102 | napierah@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788433 |
Naugle | Amy | Associate Degree Nursing Instructor | NEA141 | nauglea@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8402 |
Naylor | Angela | Curr PT Instructor | HTC169 | naylora@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8303 |
Naze | David | English/Speech Comm Instructor | VCC232H | nazed@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9771 |
Neave | Jordan | Housekeepers | LAH142 | neavej@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788202 |
Nelson | Loutricia | University Outreach Coordinator | HOS610 | nelsonl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8205 |
Newland | Daniela | Division Chair in English, Communication, and Fine Arts | CUH378A | newlandd@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8366 |
Newman | Clifton | Material Transportation Operator | LAH202 | newmanc@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8490 |
Newman | John | PT Coach - Softball | JPOB0 | newmanj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7344 |
Newman | Robin | Assistant Director of Military/Veterans Programs (AVET) | GCB202G | newmanr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0155 |
Ngatuvai | Caleb | Not_Available | CUH334A | ngatuvac@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8357 |
Nguyen | Minh | PT IT Support Specialist 1 | ATC120 | nguyenm@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9812 |
Nicholas | Dawn | Faculty Secretary I | CUH334A | nicholad@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8357 |
Nightingale | Brenda | Employee Benefits Specialist | AD101CC | nightinb@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8240 |
Nixon | Dwight | PT Assessment Retention Specialist | EDC20 | nixond@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0052 |
Nixon | Winston | Senior Media Production Specialist | VCC109 | nixonj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8245 |
Nobles | Brandon | Maintenance Technicial II (hvac) | LAH202 | noblesb@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8468 |
Norman | Kelly | Instructor-Dev. Studies | HOS618O | normank@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9780 |
Norris | Andrew | Inst Info Tech/Com Prg & Dev | ATC113C | norrisa@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3967 |
Norris | Carol | Faculty Secretary I | LAH120 | norrisc@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8383 |
Norris | Matthew | Housekeepers | LAH142 | norrism@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8490 |
Nowak | Jerold | Curr PT Instructor | CUH334 | nowakj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8357 |
Nugent | Jason | Assistant Director of Bookstore-Course Materials | GCB104H | nugentj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8368 |