First Name | Last Name | Position Title | Office Location | Email Address | Office Phone |
Kaelan | Royall | Curr PT Instructor | CUH378 | royallk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8391 |
Kaira | Bullock | Instructor-Cce College & Career Readiness | CEC203B | bullockk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8498 |
Kandileah | Chambers | Instructor-CDL Driving | CEC111 | chamberka@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4863909 |
Kanisha | Jones | PT Academic Support Coordinator | NC10b | jonesk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 88431 |
Kara | Mathis | Math Instructor | HOS618E | mathisk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9890 |
Kara | Walker | Instructor/Early Childhood | CUH301 | walkerkl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9789 |
Kareka | Chavis | Director of Student Learning Center-Administration | LRC108 | chaviska@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1076 |
Karen | Adamson | Instructional Coach | VCC201 | adamsonk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7408 |
Karen | Boyd | Social Science Instructor | HOS616E | boydk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9802 |
Karen | Drew | PT Senior Accounting Technician | CBI108G | drewk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-7363 |
Karen | Rose | Instructor-CNA | CEC131-2 | rosek@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8592 |
Karen | Stein | Associate Degree Nursing Instructor | NEA132 | steink@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8482 |
Karen | Williams | Data Management Technician | ATC107 | williamk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8218 |
Kari | Lewis | Curr PT Instructor | HTC253 | lewiskar@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9872 |
Katerrah | White | PT Secretary 2 | CEC108A | whitek@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788309 |
Katharine | Morrill | Instructor-Fine Arts | HOS602E | morrillk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0041 |
Katherine | Herring | Instructor-Fine Arts | HOS602A | herringk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8493 |
Katherine | Rettig | Instructor Bus Adm/General Bus Adm | CUH377 J | rettigk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8598 |
Kathleen | Anderson | Associate Degree Nursing Instructor | NEA124 B | andersok@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4867353 |
Kathleen | Imberi | Grounds Technician | GB10 | imberik@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8304 |
Kathryn | Bell | Biology Instructor | LAH135 | bellka@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7372 |
Kathryn | Torres | Director of Student Accounts & Fiscal Controls | AD101A | torresk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8364 |
Katie | Hubbard | Curr PT Instructor | HTC101C | hubbardk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8574 |
Kayla | Spaulding | Curr PT Instructor | HTC201H | spauldik@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9869 |
Kayleigh | Gordon | Bookstore Assistant | GCB104C-2 | gordonk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9880 |
Kecie | Dunigan | Respiratory Care Dept Chair | HTC201H | dunigank@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9869 |
Keith | Ulrick | ACE PT Instr (310-42004) | CBI108F | ulrickk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788230 |
Kellen | Pagan | English/Speech Comm Instructor | CUH383 | pagank@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8545 |
Kelly | Gold | Dean of Business | CUH371A | goldk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8564 |
Kelly | Hunt | Evaluator | SDC128D | huntk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7437 |
Kelly | Norman | Instructor-Dev. Studies | HOS618O | normank@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9780 |
Kelly | Perez | Curr PT Instructor | HOS616 | perezk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8295 |
Kelly | Schoolcraft | Instructor/Criminal Justice | HOS633B | schoolck@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0045 |
Kelly | Strickland | Curr PT Instructor | CUH377 | stricklak@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8292 |
Kenjuana | McCray | Dean-Arts & Humanities | HOS610 I | mccrayk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0058 |
Kenneth | Averitte | IT Support Specialist II | ATC133A | averittk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7365 |
Kenneth | Buckey | Department Chair Fire Protection Technology/Emergency Manage | HOS640D | buckeyk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0046 |
Kenneth | Smyth | English/Speech Comm Instructor | VCC232I | smythk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3958 |
Kerri | Donohue | Biology Instructor | LAH120L | donohuek@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4867393 |
Kersni | Stewart | Secretary I | HOS616 | stewartke@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788295 |
Ketura | Reaves | Technology Training & Quality Assurance Coordinator | ATC104 F | reavesk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8424 |
Kevin | Barham | Department Chair - Fine Arts | HOS602F | barhamk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0174 |
Kevin | Paul | VP for Facilities and Support Services | LAH100B | paulk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8327 |
Kevin | Rodgers | Grounds Technician | LAH111 | rodgersk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8304 |
Kevin | Welch | English/Speech Comm Instructor | CUH381 | welchk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9768 |
Khalil | Taylor | Security Field Supervisor, Sergeant (Non Sworn) | GCB102 | taylork@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8433 |
Kim | Lewis | Department Chair - Human Resources Development | CBI119 | lewisk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8297 |
Kimberly | Allen | Department Chair-Corp & Cont Ed/Corp Training | CEC212 | allenk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0033 |
Kimberly | Gagnon | Instructor/Criminal Justice | HOS633F | gagnonk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0071 |
Kimberly | Gibbs | Sr Accounting Technician | AD115A | gibbsk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8282 |
Kimberly | Hogsten | Dental Hygiene Instructor | HTC101F | hogstenk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9856 |
Kimberly | Taft | Curr PT Instructor | HOS616 | taftk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8295 |
Kittrell | Melvin | Recruiter | SDC4-1 | melvinki@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4863942 |
Kris | Cason | Housekeepers | LAH142 | casonk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8490 |
Krishawna | Brown | Librarian | LRC104 | brownkr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-7349 |
Krissy | Smith | Biology Instructor | LAH134 | smithkri@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8296 |
Kristen | Deese | Curr PT Instructor | HTC201 | deesek@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8264 |
Kristen | Kaiafas | Program Coordinator - Associate Degree Nursing | NESC116 C | kaiafask@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7341 |
Kristen | Marrero | PT Clerical - Student Svcs | CEC223 | marrerok@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7370 |
Kristian | Roman | Career Coach - High School Connections | SDC111C | romank@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7433 |
Kristine | Miller | Curr PT Instructor (31103) | CUH377 | millerk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8292 |
Kristy | Crum | Curr PT Instructor | HOS616 | crumk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8295 |
Kristy | Smith | ACE PT Instr (310-45002) | NC11 | smithkr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8446 |
Krystal | Monlyn-Landor | Shift Supervisor (lieutenant Non Sworn) | GCB102 | monlynlk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8433 |
Kyle | Seaford | Network Analyst I | ATC151 | seafordk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0074 |
Kyon | LeGrand | Technology Asset Specialist II | SLC216A | legrandk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8470 |