First Name | Last Name | Position Title | Office Location | Email Address | Office Phone |
Lacoma | Jones | Grants Assistant | AD166D | joneslac@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788239 |
Lakecia | Jenkins | Success Coach | SDC3(5) | jenkinsl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7446 |
Larissa | White | Dept Chair Healthcare Mgmt Tech & Medical Office Admin | CUH377H | whitel@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8518 |
Larry | Bynum | Supply Chain Management Instructor | CUH377U | bynuml@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788444 |
Larry | Cannon | Housekeeping Supervisor | LAH111C | cannonl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8490 |
Larry | Harmon | Program Coordinator/Auto System Tech/Ford Maint/Light Repair | ASA101 | harmonl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3975 |
Larzaris | Butler | Department Chair Health & Fitness Physical Education | HOS809 | butlerl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8352 |
Lashawna | Keen | PT Grants Technician | AD102 | keenla@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8335 |
Lashonda | Lewis | Medical Office Adm - Instr | CUH348E | lewisl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9892 |
Lashonda | Turner | Dean of Health Programs | CEC131-1 | turnerl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1084 |
Latonya | Brown | PT Assessment Retention Specialist | EDC20 | brownln@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0052 |
Latoria | Fulmer | Biology Instructor | LAH107B | fulmerl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7377 |
Laura | Cummins | Data Management Technician | ATC105 | cumminsl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0090 |
Laura | Honeycutt | Medical Office Adm - Instr | CUH348G | honeycula@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8300 |
Laura | Saunders | Assessment Analyst | VCC211 | saunderl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0157 |
Lauren | Whiting | Curr PT Instructor | CUH378 | whitingl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788391 |
Laurice | Mitchell | PT Assessment Retention Specialist | EDC20 | mitchell@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0052 |
Leah | Clark | Information Management Specialist | ATC149D | clarkl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0021 |
Leah | Heim | Biology Instructor | CUH375(5) | heiml@faytechcc.edu | (910) 476-7375 |
Lee | Graham | College&career Readiness Instructor | EDC19 | grahaml@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8491 |
Leigh | Abel | Social Science Instructor | HOS611A | abell@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1078 |
Leon | Johnson | Coordinator of IT Asset Management | ATC104E | johnsonle@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7395 |
Leslie | McCrimon | EMS Instructor | HTC253 D | mccrimol@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8515 |
Leslie | Vick | Maintenance Tech II | LAH202 | vicklw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8468 |
Letachia | Sloan | Senior Secretary | EDCD | sloanl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8388 |
Lezzett | Huggins | Records Clerk | SDC119 3 | hugginsl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788394 |
Linoshka | Johnston | Military/Veteran Services Specialist | GCB202F | johnstol@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8284 |
Linsie | Locklear | Instructor-Culinary Arts/Hospitality Management | CUH377D | lockleal@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788343 |
Lisa | Davis | Instructor - Medical Sonography | HTC169A | davislis@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3914 |
Lisa | Doberstein | ACE PT Instr (SPLK) | SLC118 | doberstl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1086 |
Lisa | Lee | Housekeepers | LAH142 | leel@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8304 |
Lisa | Maxwell | IT Service Desk Technician | ATC159A | maxwelll@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9816 |
Lisa | O'Hern | Data Management Technician - Corporate & Cont Education | CBI108F | ohernl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3977 |
Lisa Emily | Fagan | Dept Chair/Office Administration | CUH377G | faganl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8361 |
Logan | Klouda | Maintenance Supervisor | LAH202 | kloudal@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788468 |
Lonnie | Mott | Chemistry Instructor | LAH120K | mottl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9889 |
Lora | Tinsley | Curr PT Instructor | HOS616 | tinsleyl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8295 |
Lorena | Murray | Success Coach | SDC103 | murrayl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4867495 |
Lori | Garrett | Curr PT Instructor | HTC105 | garrettl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8264 |
Lori | Kiel | Division Chair - Mathematics | HOS618G | kiell@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8523 |
Lori | Reckler | Basic Skills Instructor | CEC227 | recklerl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8348 |
Lori | Register | Instructor Bus Adm/General Bus Adm | CUH348F | registel@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8541 |
Lorisa | Cheney | Basic Skills Instructor | BTEC120G | cheneyl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 396-2351 |
Loutricia | Nelson | University Outreach Coordinator | HOS610 | nelsonl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8205 |
Luis | Garcia | Curr PT Inst | CUH348E | garcial@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8444 |
Luis | Velez | Dean of Corporate & Industry Training | CBI106A | velezl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788210 |
Luisa | Matheney | Curr PT Instructor | ECC202 | mathenel@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8566 |
Lynne | Meikle | Senior Secretary | CEC203-2 | meiklel@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788431 |
Lynnette | Carroll | Curr PT Instructor | CSEC21 | carrolll@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6780162 |