Last Name | First Name | Position Title | Office Location | Email Address | Office Phone |
Dail | Wanda | Director of Marketing | AD167B | dailw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8203 |
Daniel | Ressa | Housekeepers | LAH142 | danielr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8490 |
Davis | Broin | Barber Inst/Occupational Ext | CEC151A | davisb@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0147 |
Davis | Derek | IT Support Supervisor | ATC118 | davisde@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1098 |
Davis | Donna | Mail Distribution Clerk | LAH110 | davisd@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8317 |
Davis | Frankie | Maintenance Tech I | LAH202 | davisfr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8468 |
Davis | Joseph | Health & Fitness Instructor | HOS611 | davisjo@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8544 |
Davis | Lisa | Instructor - Medical Sonography | HTC169A | davislis@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3914 |
Dawson | Jonovan | Grounds Technician | GB11A | dawsonj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 88304 |
Day | Gina | Student Learning Center Facilitator/Instructor | VCC231 | dayg@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788266 |
Dean | Sherry | Housekeepers | LAH142 | deans@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8490 |
Deese | Kristen | Curr PT Instructor | HTC201 | deesek@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8264 |
DeJesus | Alysia | Coordinator of Academic Advising | SDC107 | dejesusa@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7360 |
Delbridge | Tameka | Sr Accounting Technician | AD109 | delbridt@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8359 |
Demetri | Sophia | Librarian | LRC200 D | demetris@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4867458 |
Denis | Holly | Department Chair Mammography | HTC169H | denish@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8533 |
Derka | Vicki | English/Speech Comm Instructor | CUH378D | derkav@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9821 |
DeVault | Donna | Department Chair-Accounting and Finance | CUH377L | devaultd@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8596 |
Dew | Jennifer | Sr Accounting Technician | SDC132 | dewj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8263 |
Diaz | Socorro | Student Learning Center Facilitator/Instructor | LRC127A | diazs@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-7469 |
Dirisio | Mary | Dean-Library and Student Learning Services | LRC204 | dirisiom@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-7351 |
Disbrow | Shane | Curr PT Instructor | ECC202 | disbrows@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8566 |
Dixon | Tammy | Curr PT Instructor | CEC108A | dixont@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8329 |
Doberstein | Lisa | ACE PT Instr (SPLK) | SLC118 | doberstl@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1086 |
Dockery | Rema | Bookstore Assistant | GCB104E | dockeryr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8437 |
Donohue | Kerri | Biology Instructor | LAH120L | donohuek@faytechcc.edu | (910) 4867393 |
Dorney | Scott | Exe Dir Military Business Ctr | VCC103 | dorneys@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0190 |
Dozier | Felipa | Financial Accountant | AD116 | dozierf@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0072 |
Drew | Karen | PT Senior Accounting Technician | CBI108G | drewk@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-7363 |
Driggers | Stephen | Director of Intercollegiate Athletics | HOS610G | driggers@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9843 |
Dunigan | Kecie | Respiratory Care Dept Chair | HTC201H | dunigank@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9869 |
Dunn | Todd | Associate VP Business & Finance - Operations | AD117A | dunnt@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8484 |
Durham | Sophia | Career Coach - High School Connections | SDC111 A | durhams@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7358 |