First Name | Last Name | Position Title | Office Location | Email Address | Office Phone |
Waleed | Mohamed | Department Chair Corporate & Continuing Education | CBI105 | mohamedw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7354 |
Wallace | Guin | Records Clerk | SDC113-7 | guinw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-3694 |
Wally | Hurd | Network Analyst II | ATC151 | hurdw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0075 |
Walton | Herring | Instructor/Funeral Service Education | CUH311D | herringw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-7373 |
Wanda | Dail | Director of Marketing | AD167B | dailw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8203 |
Warren | O'Brien | Accounting Instructor | CUH377V | obrienr@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8512 |
Wayne | Aberg | FTCC Security Officer | GCB102 | abergw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788433 |
Wendy | Austin | Program Technician - Cosmetology | CSEC24 | austinw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-0158 |
Wendy | Vonnegut | Department Chair - Paralegal Technology | CUH346 A | vonneguw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 6788451 |
Wesley | Parker | Chemistry Instructor | LAH131 | parkerw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-9884 |
Whitney | Larrimore | Curr PT Instructor | CUH378 | larrimow@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8391 |
William | Buckwell | Curr PT Instructor | ATC154 | buckwelw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8347 |
William | Cummings | Instructor-Systems Security & Analysis | GCB202W | cummingw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8323 |
William | Jolley | Instructor/ Occupational Ext | SLC118-3 | jolleyw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1016 |
William | Parry | Director of Retail & Auxiliary Enterprises | GCB109B | parryw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8334 |
William | Rogers | Director of Construction | LAH201 | rogersw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8371 |
William | Salmon | Curr PT Instructor | CUH334 | salmonw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8357 |
William | White | Curr PT Instructor | ATC113 | whitew@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8347 |
Willie | Faison | Curr PT Instructor | HTC102B | faisonw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8254 |
Willie | Lockett | CIS Program Coordinator | ATC154C | lockettw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8393 |
Willie | Pomeroy | Director of Assessment and Accreditation | VCC206B | pomeroyw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 486-7315 |
Willie | Simpson | ACE PT Instr (310-45002) | CBI108F | simpsonw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8230 |
Winston | Nixon | Senior Media Production Specialist | VCC109 | nixonj@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-8245 |
Winter | Keyes | Military/Veteran Services Assistant | BTEC118 | keyesw@faytechcc.edu | (910) 678-1056 |