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Transfer Credit Appeal Form
Students area responsible for submitting a request for re-evaluation of transfer credit.
Make sure you submit one Appeal form per course review.
Allow 30 business days from the date your appeal is received for completion.
An initial review of the Appeal will be conducted.
You may be asked for additional documentation, such as a course description or syllabus, for further review.
All correspondence, including the final decision, will be sent to your
FTCC student email account
Your Information
First Name:
A value is required.
Last Name:
A value is required.
Student ID Number:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Minimum number of characters not met.
Exceeded maximum number of characters.
FTCC Student Email Address:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Credit to be Reconsidered
College Name:*
A value is required.
*Note: Do Not List FTCC, instead list transcript to be reconsidered.
Course Prefix & Number:
A value is required.
Course Title:
A value is required.
Credit Hours:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Semester Taken
A value is required.
Seeking Credit for Which FTCC Course
Course Prefix & Number:
A value is required.
Course Title:
A value is required.
Credit Hours:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Please make a selection.
Selecting this checkbox verifies that your agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in this form.