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Purchase Additional Graduation Announcements
Complete, print and submit this form.
Take the printed copy of this form to the Student Services Cashiers Office located in the
Tony Rand Student Center
. You will be issue you a receipt.
Cashiers office hours of operation are 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Take the Receipt to the front desk in the Tony Rand Student Center to retrieve the extra announcements.
Personal Information
First Name:
A value is required.
Last Name:
A value is required.
FTCC 7 Digit Student ID:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Email Address:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Order Information
Each packet costs $5.00 and contains 10 announcements, plus 20 envelopes
Number of Packets:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
Minimum number of characters not met.
The entered value is less than the minimum required.
Exceeded maximum number of characters.
The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed.
Enter Total Cost:
A value is required.
Invalid format.
The entered value is less than the minimum required.
The entered value is greater than the maximum allowed.